Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS)

Our organization WARUDA is providing Supplementary Nutrition Food Though SHGs in Anganbaris under ICDS (Rohini) Project under WCD Department, GNCT. We are providing cooked food for children of aging between 0 to 6 year and Womens.

SUPPLEMENTARY NUTRITION: This includes supplementary feeding and growth monitoring. All families in the community are surveyed, to identify children below the age of six and pregnant & nursing mothers. By providing supplementary feeding, the Anganwadi attempts to bridge the calorie gap between the national recommended and average intake of children and women in low income and disadvantaged communities. Some of the main activities undertaken are:

a) Growth monitoring and nutrition surveillance- Children below the age of three years of age are weighed once a month and children 3-6 years of age are weighed quarterly. Weight-for-age growth cards are maintained for all children below six years. This helps to detect growth faltering and helps in assessing nutritional status. Besides, severely malnourished children are given special supplementary feeding and referred to medical services.

b) Supplementary Nutrition is being given to children below 6 years of age in the form of weaning food (for children up to one year), morning snacks and hot cooked meal. The SHG concerned supply the required quantity of cooked food/weaning food based on the indent of the concerned Anganwadi worker. Anganwadi worker has the responsibility of placing a daily indent for morning snacks, hot cooked meals and a weekly indent for weaning food to their respective NPO. Supplementary nutrition food items are being provided for three hundred days in a year by the respective SHGs in each ICDS project. The WARUDA NPO are regularly monitored and given directions for ensuring safety and hygienic parameters in the kitchens being run by their SHGs in terms of infrastructure, raw material, safe drinking water being used for preparation of supplementary food, and also during the transportation of the food at the doorstep of the AWCs.
