
One of the issues taken seriously by society. Awareness about health and hygiene in the target area has remarkably increased. Programmes launched by WARUDA have increased the awareness and information among the poor people of the target area, and they are now little more concerned about health and hygiene issues.
Our society has organized various activity & spreaded awareness among slum dwellers of Khazan Basti, Mohan Garden, Bindapur, Pratap Nagar, Uttam Nagar, Mayapuri, Hari Nagar and its adjoining colonies.
(i) AIDS AWARENESS :- WARUDA is working under DSACS, on TI project for spreading awareness and information about the causes of the dieses. We had held Nukkad Nataks for awareness of AIDS, which is the result oriented and easy way to attract larger crowed of peoples. Most peoples of above mentioned areas are poor and illiterate, so they are not keen to get any information on AIDS. But activities like Nukkad Natak work as magnet to pull them to gain the information and message about AIDS. Most part of children of these areas was benefited from this activity.
WARUDA held camps for HIV/AIDS awareness in slums and as it seems, these people are getting aware of AIDS. Our society distributed condoms & IEC meters to larger number of people.
Our society held special class in schools to aware students from AIDS. It is very essential to aware our next generation to fight this evil. The responses of these classes were very fruitful. Our society time to time held competitions and seminars on AIDS
(ii) TB PREVENTION :- WARUDA is running two DOTs centres under the RNTCP programme. These centres are providing services to sixty patients each month. Our society held awareness camps and cultural programmes for TB prevention. Our Doctors
attended patients and convenienced them to get regular treatment. As far as we think the target was achieved to great
(iii) CHARITABLE DISPENSERY :- Our society is running a charitable dispensary in Bindapur and Mohan Garden area. Here we provide both Allopathic and homeopathic method for treatment. Most resident of the area are poor, so they are getting benefited from this dispensary. Round about 2500 patients gets treatment from each centre per month.
(iv) HEPATITS:- WARUDA had organized several camps for Hepatitis in the area. Our Doctors and Volunteer provided information, suggestion. We distributed pumplates and literature in the surrounding area time to time and provide vaccination.
(v) TOBACCO & SMOKING AWARENESS :- As we now this is the big problem in India, a larger ratio of our population have caught in the web of this habit. Tobacco smoking is major cause of Lung Cancer, Asthma, Mouth Cancer, T.B. etc. Our society orgainse awareness camps and seminar to spread knowledge about the harmfulness of this habit, we provided consultancy to the targets and benefited many people.
(vi) MICROSCOPIC CENTRE (SPUTUM TESTING FOR AFB) :- We are running a Microscopic Lab. For sputum testing in Uttam Nagar area, which is supported by Delhi Govt. We are testing near about 150 slides per month. Patients of surrounding areas get their reports at an earliest and we provide free consultation through our Medical Officers.
(vii) SCHOOL HEALTH SCHEME :- Our organization WARUDA conducted School Health Scheme Programme offered by Directorate of Health Services. In which we provided Doctors, Nurses, Chemists for health check-up facilities for student of class Ist to class XIIth studying in various Government School.